In the branch of electronics there is a small problem, when there is an electronic problem can trigger more serious problems, so when there is a problem of this nature we should go to our expert as soon as possible. In these times our bikes are equipped with a high technology that is also very fragile, the complex operation of CAN lines makes them even more fragile and that is why we must have the latest technology in machinery so that we do not can escape even the slightest failure when we repair a control unit.
In Motorcycles Xisket Performance we have the latest in tools for this type of problem, we have a reading and repair unit of the prestigious brand BERTON which allows us to read some parameters and do a total investigation without escaping any brand or model.
This device of diagnosis leaves us surprised since we can get to collect data even from the mythical brand Harley Davidson or BMW.
We also have the latest model in oscilloscopes of the prestigious brand UNIT which offers us faster and more efficient readings.
Another of our star tools is our charge tester, regulators and batteries status of the American brand Snap On.
In order to offer a better service, the client has the best of the market and we are concerned to be up to date with the latest market developments in tools.